Can We Live in Harmony with Wolves?

There was a time when Wolves and Humans were friendly neighbors. They often hunted together, they learned from each other, and they held each other in high regard. Is that just some fairytale or romantic notion, or perhaps a part of Humankind’s long-lost past?

This presentation explores those questions. Brother Wolf Foundation staff members Lety Seibel and Tamarack Song take you on an exploration of the Human-Wolf relationship in indigenous cultures, to see what we might learn from their enduring deep soul relationships with Wolves. How were they able to peacefully coexist, with the people even referring to Wolves as brother and sister?

Yes, we can learn from the past; and at the same time, there are success stories from today that can inspire us and set an example for what we can do right here and now. You’ll learn about the Sheep rancher who trained the Wolves in his region to not only avoid his livestock, but to also protect them from marauding outside Wolves. You will hear about economically depressed rural communities that at first resisted the Wolves’ return, then turned their economic fortunes around by seeing the appeal of Wolves and catering to Wolf ecotourists. And you’ll explore how Wolves benefit animals, plants, and waterways, along with contributing to erosion and flood control.

Developing win-wins for Humans and Wolves is not only wishful thinking, but it is happening in many communities across the country, and it is entirely possible in your community as well. It begins with education, and many schools are now incorporating Wolf Studies, and many communities are offering educational presentations on Wolves. It’s going a long way toward dispelling the myths about the Big Bad Wolf and showing them as the dedicated family members and contributors to a healthy ecosystem that they truly are, and those are the goals of this presentation.

This presentation is offered by the Brother Wolf Foundation for nature centers, wildlife and conservation organizations, schools, clubs, and private gatherings. The presentation is in-person or Zoom one-hour multimedia events, including a question-and-answer period.  For booking and rates, contact us.