The Brother Wolf Foundation now has its own publishing company, Brother Wolf Publishing. Here are the first three titles, authored by our founder Tamarack. They are scheduled to make their appearance later this year.

The Secret World of The Wolf: An Intimate Look into Their Unique Intelligence, Family Life, and Survival Wizardry This book is pure Wolf—there is not a Human mentioned. Currently the most comprehensive resource on Wolf behavior and ecology, it covers everything from establishing homelands, family dynamics, mating, and raising pups to their unique intelligence, language, hunting strategies, relationships with prey animals, special kinship with Raven, and much more.

What Would Brother Wolf Do? Life Lessons From Our Closest Kin Here is a presentation of exemplary Human traits that Wolves model for us—one for every day of the year—on love, empathy, joy, mourning, honesty, fairness, Truthspeaking, friendship, peak performance, leadership, business, economics, politics, spirituality, being in the now, and more.

Wolf Whisperer: How Rescuing Four Wolf Pups Transformed My Life From the joy and tragedy of living with his Wolf family, to his Wolf-Warrior training to face down the anti-Wolf, to his visionary experiences with Wolf Spirit, to the vibrant history of the Brother Wolf Foundation, here is the story of our founder’s 70 years with Wolves, in his own words.