The Wolf in Our Dogs

Did you know that all Dogs are descended from Wolves? Some people say that Wolves transformed themselves into Dogs so that they could remain our friends and survive the onslaught of civilization. Others say that our ancestors missed their relationship with Wolf when they left their hunter-gatherer ways behind, so they crafted Wolves into a companion compatible with their new sedentary work-oriented lifestyle. Whatever the case, Dog became “man’s best friend” — the most popular pet worldwide, the most versatile working animal, and the one animal we commonly make a part of our families.

All of that raises a slew of questions that await the joy of discovery:

  • How were Wolves domesticated?
  • Why do Dogs bark so much more than Wolves?
  • Are Dogs really the acceptable, sanitized, obedient version of the Wolf — the Wolf who listens, who is non-threatening, and who is malleable and trainable?
  • Wolves obviously gave something to Dogs, but did Dogs give anything back to Wolves?
  • What about the theories that Dogs are incomplete Wolves, or codependent Wolves?
  • Are some Dogs more Wolf than others?

These questions and more are explored in this presentation which starts with a story of a Dog visiting a Wolf to find out where she came from and why she thinks and feels the way she does. And we explore one of the deeper, philosophical underpinnings of our relationship with Dogs, which is expressed in the quip Lord, help me to be the person my Dog thinks I am.

Come with your questions about Dogs, and especially bring your curiosity to delve into the mysteries of the Dog psyche along with canine researcher Tamarack Song, who is our presenter.

This presentation is offered by the Brother Wolf Foundation for nature centers, wildlife and conservation organizations, schools, clubs, and private gatherings. The presentation is in-person or Zoom one-hour multimedia events, including a question-and-answer period.  For booking and rates, contact us.