The Wolf in Legend

Come and join us around the hearth for an evening of traditional storytelling. The magical, mystical life of the Wolf comes alive in the legends passed down through the generations. Since time immemorial, indigenous peoples who lived in the same bioregions as Wolves have had a close filial, and even spiritual, relationship with them. That all comes alive for us when the Elder Storyteller starts weaving words together to transport us to another time and place, where Wolf and Human lived together in peace, and in mutual honor and respect.

Lety Seibel, a member of the Wolf Foundation’s Board of Trustees, is a traditional storyteller. She was raised by her grandmother, a Mayan Curandera (healer), and brings that spirit and vivaciousness into her storytelling. Before you know it, she has you right there with First Wolf and First Human, together discovering the world around them, and with the Last Wolf, who left his howl with us to call his kind back when Wolf and Human could again live together in peace.

We learn best through story, and we remember best what we hear in story form. That is why indigenous people teach their children with stories. In addition, the culture of a people is contained in their stories, which is why their stories are so valuable to them and get passed down through the generations. On this night of story, some of our forgotten culture will come back to life, so that perhaps we can go on with the renewed heartfelt inspiration to help bring balance back to our troubled Mother Planet, so that Wolf and Human can again run together as one.

This presentation is offered by the Brother Wolf Foundation for nature centers, wildlife and conservation organizations, schools, clubs, and private gatherings. The presentation is in-person or Zoom one-hour multimedia events, including a question-and-answer period.  For booking and rates, contact us.