Brother Wolf Foundation

Dedicated to Renewing the Timeless, Rich Wolf-Human Connection

Brother Wolf Foundation

Brother Wolf Blog

This blog is intended to be pure Wolf. It is open to anyone who wishes to submit a post for consideration that furthers the Brother Wolf Foundation mission, which is to renew the age-old Human-Wolf relationship and create safe space for Wolves to run free.

If We Are Carnivores…

Although we can subsist on just about anything foodwise, and rational arguments can be mounted to support any of a range of diets, our digestive systems and evolutionary history (see previous post) point strongly to the fact that we are designed for an animal-based...

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Wolf’s Profound Gift to Humankind 

“In the beginning, there was First Wolf and First Human,” states the first line of the Ojibwe creation story. It goes on to describe the good life they had, romping together in the meadow, napping side-by-side in the afternoon sun, and hunting and feasting together....

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