Life Lessons from Wolves

It is said that example is the greatest teacher. We learn from the examples of those we hold in high regard, and from those who have developed special skills and abilities to the level that we wish to have ourselves. We are already inspired by many animals: Doves are symbols of peace, Eagles represent courage, and Turtles show persistence. We strive to be wise as an Owl, clever as a Fox, powerful as a Bear, industrious as Ants, and graceful as Swans.

And then there are Wolves. When the Brother Wolf Foundation director Tamarack Song would go to the Native Elders he apprenticed to with questions about life, they would often tell him to “go and ask Wolf.” They said Wolves could teach us how to be better Humans.

In this presentation we explore what that means: We ask Wolf what she can teach us about life—and ourselves. With Wolf being one of the most social animals next to us, it’s not surprising that we could learn something from their example. They practice rituals that we find in our Human societies, they like to play the same games we do, and they mourn their dead just as we do. In sports, in business, in politics, and in our leisure and creative lives, Wolf can give us fresh ideas and inspiration.

Along with the wealth of socially related gifts that Wolf can bring us, there is the example of the Lone Wolf. The foundation of every Wolf family is the Lone Wolf. He is the reason his family continues to exist and thrive, as he is the Pathfinder—he scouts out new territory, locates game, and watches for outside threats. He has developed his personal power, so that he has the courage and vision to go out on his own. And to take his journey of personal discovery, to find what he is made of, what he is capable of doing, and what he still needs to learn.

Come and sit at the foot of Wolf, and be inspired with how to fully blossom into who you are intended to be, and how you can better serve your family, your community, and our Mother Planet.

This presentation is offered by the Brother Wolf Foundation for nature centers, wildlife and conservation organizations, schools, clubs, and private gatherings. The presentation is in-person or Zoom one-hour multimedia events, including a question-and-answer period.  For booking and rates, contact us.